

Paternity disputes are extremely sensitive and can greatly affect all members of the family. These matters have a significant impact on the child’s upbringing and financial support. The Jacksonville family law office of Beth M. Terry, P.A., can help you through all the legal issues regarding paternity whether it is raised in the beginning of divorce case, in a paternity action seeking custody or visitation, or in child support actions requesting DNA testing. She can help you navigate the legal system to work in the best interest of her client, and has experience representing both mothers and fathers in paternity cases.

How Paternity is Determined

Paternity is determined in a variety of ways, such as doing DNA testing from a swab to the inside of the mouth. The DNA sample is analyzed in the lab to determine biological connections and may be taken on the child, father, mother, or all three. The DNA test will confirm whether or not the man tested is the child’s biological father.  Paternity may also be established by notarized voluntary acknowledgement by both parents, which commonly occurs at the time of signing birth certificates.

Once Paternity is Established

Once paternity has been established through DNA testing or other means, the father will most likely be required to provide child support. The legal paternity of the child is established and the law office of Beth M. Terry, P.A. can help the mother enforce these payments for the child.

Child custody and time-sharing or visitation can also be sought out from fathers who have established paternity, and we can help legally ensure that the biological father has a right to see his child. We also help mothers who would like to establish a court-ordered parenting plan and time-sharing or visitation for the child to spend time and build a relationship with their father.

Disestablish Paternity

If the DNA test determines that there is no biological connection between the man and the child, the man may be able to disestablish paternity. This must be done in a very short period of time, and the Jacksonville family law office of Beth M. Terry, P.A., can represent you in a case where you need to do this swiftly.

If you are looking for help through any issues regarding paternity, contact the family law office of Beth M. Terry today.

Reach Out to Us

O: (904) 399-5354

F: (904) 399-5341

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