
Methods of Divorce

Methods of Divorce

Methods of Divorce Proceedings There are various methods for how divorce and family proceedings are conducted. Unlike what you see in many tv shows,...

Is Mediation beneficial?

Is Mediation beneficial?

Using Mediation at the Time of Divorce Mediation has been defined as a process whereby a neutral third person called a mediator acts to encourage...

Residency Requirements

Residency Requirements

Residency Requirements of Divorce in Florida. If you are considering a divorce in the state of Florida, there are a few issues that you must...

Divorce, what qualifies?

Divorce, what qualifies?

Grounds for a Divorce in Florida A divorce is the legal order from the court that ends your marital relationship with your spouse. Each divorce...

Help for Transitioning Families

Help for Transitioning Families

The Military Family Stability Act: Help for Transitioning Families I haven’t heard of this, what is it? It is difficult to stay up to date on every...

New Year New Laws

New Year New Laws

New Year, New Alimony Laws! By the time you are reading this, it will likely be 2019 and as the years change, so often do many civil statues. In...

Will I be protected?

Will I be protected?

How Can The Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act Protect Me? If you haven’t read our last blog post, we discussed the Uniform...